Saturday, February 12, 2011

Habba... no.. Habakuk.. no... Habakkuk.

"I am jobless and in 22 days, I will be 22. Wait, is it 22? I don't know. I hate the subject of Math and, well, I haven't been in school in two semesters, so two semesters without Math is almost the equivalent of a year to doing nothing, zero, nada in relation to Math. I should get back into school. Elgin Community College. I still need to research it. Guess I'm taking summer classes. But first, a job... continue to submit my resume like it is on fire in my hands and in my hard drive."

This seems to be my mindset on, at least, an every-other-daily basis. I mean, it is this mindset that is driving more and more of my Bible reading, talking and listening to God more, so I guess it is not so bad. It is the mindset that leads me to different coffee shops around the area of my house and makes me realize that Starbucks is not all it is cracked up to be - Caribou Coffee blows them out of the water - and that "[i]roning out faithless creases is toilsome." (Quote taken from Donald Miller's "Through Painted Deserts").

I am coming to see the reason why this season is taking place. God is speaking and He is ever-moving around me and in me. Just the other day, I had this feeling that I just needed to spend time with Him, because it had been a neglect on my part. I got off of the phone with Chris, turned on worship music and let the darkness of my room envelope me. I closed my eyes and just listened... something I had not done in a long time, and by the grace of God, it came through Olivia as a reminder.

So I sat there and then Kim Walker's version of "How He Loves" came on. I almost got up to turn it, when God said, "No. I need to to hear this. I need you to understand how much I love you." So I closed my eyes again, quite afraid of what would happen and the next thing I knew, I was crying. I felt like a child. I felt all of the holes that had been making their way inside of me start to peel away and heal again. I felt Him loving me. It was the most beautiful, most amazing feeling one could ever encounter and He was letting me, the impatient, imperfect human being feel just a part of His heart for me.

Slowly, there were a lot of things that were starting to make perfect sense. I understood why He told me "Not yet" for missions in this season and why He took me away from everyone I love. I won't go into great detail, but I will say that I know for sure that this is a season of change and I am so excited for what He has in store along the way. I kept thinking of this great revelation I had and the word "revelation" kept replaying in my head. I wrote down the things He told me and tacked them to my board to serve as reminders. I then wanted to open the Bible for a second to get a scripture when it just fell open to Habakkuk. Now, I have never actually read the book of Habakkuk and I don't even know how to pronounce it. In fact, I just spelled it wrong until I Googled the correct spelling. But I was drawn to chapter 2. I then read these words:

"Then the LORD replied:

“Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay."

"UM!" That was my initial reaction. I felt myself finally breathe and it felt like the wall of guilt and shame was broken down. He truly loves us and wants to see us succeed in this life under His will. What a beautiful, kind and loving God He is, and what a season of change this will be. Who knows what he is up to now. I have seen what He has done thus far in my almost 22 years of life -through my own redemption and through my high schoolers own redemptions.

I know that I have written a lot, so kudos to the one who actually reads this or any of my blogging rants. I truly hope you know and come to realize how much you're loved, how much listening is just as important to reading your Bible or praying, and how Caribou Coffee is so much better than Starbucks.

1 comment:

  1. I love "How He Loves". It brings me to my knees every single time. This post really resonates with my heart. His love, and His timing, are beautiful and perfect.
