"It was just like the Bible says, 'Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that I am God'." - Jeremy
As an audience member to both Jay and Jeremy last night, I heard their shared story of the earthquake in Haiti. Jay and Jeremy were in the midst of the horrific disaster that took place on Tuesday, January 12th, and their lives have not seemed to fall back into its former place just yet. While their faith into the future is being stretched, God continues to give them strength to make it through the days. The future that lies ahead holds many questions in regards to the orphanage that they have in Haiti. There are twelve kids total, and they are all under the age of 10. For the past four months, they have shown and have seen the love of God portrayed through these children. These kids that were once written off as just another Haitian child without a future, have now dramatically been transformed through the help of Jay and Jeremy, and ultimately God.
As one can imagine it has been incredibly difficult for both of these young men to leave the village and orphanage and to come back America. They are now trying to raise enough money in order to fly a helicopter over the village and drop off the basic needs - food and water. Both of them know it is completely and entirely up to God to solve all of this chaos, yet they also know, in Jay's words, "It's going to get worse before it gets better".

They both know God knows the hurt, God knows the pain, and God will solve this. God was with them through their heartbreak of seeing people flock into their village with broken limbs and seeing faces of a broken future. The distressing part is that I can only imagine what these two went through. I keep praying for strength for the two of them as they continue riding on faith and having the Holy Spirit guide them. I also ask that you pray for them and the people of Haiti. Below is a link to donate to the organization they belong to. Their village is practically on the bottom of the "To-Do" list in Haiti, and the children and the peoples of this village will soon face a struggle. Whether or not you do donate, I just ask that you pray for this country.
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