I went to the beach and I went to a comedy club!

And the beach was like the whipped cream to my Cheesecake (no?). I haven't been to the beach since I started working an "actual" job, the law firm, and working 9-4, with class following afterwards. So, my days of trying to become the darkest in all of Florida died. I did get to rekindle the flame on Saturday though. That flame just happened to ignite my entire body while laying on Clearwater beach. I got tingly! Maybe, it was my body saying how much it missed the sun? Or how badly I will regret that? All I know is that sun rhymes with fun, and I have a nice tan...
Anyway, I'm in the library at school at the moment. I wanted to blog, and work was insanely busy (I actually had to work) so I'm squeezing this in before my sun-kissed skin and I have to sit in my class with my poodle of a professor. Seriously, she has poodle-like hair. She's sweet, though. But that doesn't change her poodley hair.
OMG! I'm so color blind and somewhat farsighted...I never realized you were a black woman! Is Thea the cute girl on the left or right of you? I'm feeling very culturally diverse now!
ReplyDeleteTed, that really made me laugh. But I guess I should have made it known that I am large and in charge.
ReplyDeleteTotally! If the blog had been called "Large and in-charge Unhinged Thoughts" then I would have realized!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I had my vision problems corrected yesterday with a quick surgery! Now, I realize that Thea was the one in the middle! Sounds like you had a good time! :)