I find entertainment in the strangest of things. Most people may say this and only mean it to a certain extent. Like, they would never be the ones to log onto Tampa Bay's mugshots every morning, looking to see who got arrested within the past 24 hours. But I would. Therefore, that makes me either creepy, nosey, strange or all of the above. I think the craziest thing out of it all, is the fact that I find at least one person I know every other day.
My co-workers think I'm just straight up weird, but whatever. With that said, no, I did not hang out with the wrong crowds in high school, I just went to a very large high school where most of the kids were involved in obvious illegal activities. It has, again, obviously, caught up with them because they did not learn in high school. Other stories are more along the lines of "Dang, they lost their marbles". Nothing was more surprising than coming across a newspaper, one that is strictly mugshots, and seeing my old best friend from high school. That was a "dang" moment.
I wish I could give a full reason as to why I find entertainment in mugshots; however, there are those mugshots that give me the hibbity jibbities. It's not that I WANT these people in jail, but I guess it's just the city I live in and its given reputation that makes me wonder who could handle reality outside of high school.
One more thing. I'm finding that this Swine Flu outbreak is freaking me out. A little child just died from this thing, and it happened on our turf. I don't want to sit and blame those Mexi's (I am Mexican...) nor would I want to blame any other race, but jeez, stop your travelin', homies. The Swine Flu is making its way across the world now, with reported outbreaks in Germany and Spain. Seeing people walk around with masks over their faces is surreal to me. I've also become a germaphobe - avoiding door knobs in public places, using my Germ X more than normal and snarling at sick people! Who am I?
I'm someone trying to keep my immune system free of flu's with Swine. What is Swine, anyway?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Let me get out of your way.
What do I do?
If it's repetitive in what is said, and consistent with its motives, then what is there left to say? Should I move out of your way? I feel almost like I'm a cloud. Can't you see? A cloud that is too far away to block your sun, but nonetheless a cloud.
I do know this much - I do not like feeling like a cloud. I want to feel your sun rays, and be a part of your happy days. But, instead, I'm still distant and floating. There's not much to say any longer. I've rained so much, so much so that there is no longer a well to drink from. I wish you could see. I draw confusing conclusions that, possibly, I care too much. You say no. I say actions speak louder than words. You say I think too much. I do think too much. But I wish you could see.
I want to be the one to say the wait is so worth it. I wish you could see.
I don't want to "build my walls up, concrete castle." Again.
What do I do?
If it's repetitive in what is said, and consistent with its motives, then what is there left to say? Should I move out of your way? I feel almost like I'm a cloud. Can't you see? A cloud that is too far away to block your sun, but nonetheless a cloud.
I do know this much - I do not like feeling like a cloud. I want to feel your sun rays, and be a part of your happy days. But, instead, I'm still distant and floating. There's not much to say any longer. I've rained so much, so much so that there is no longer a well to drink from. I wish you could see. I draw confusing conclusions that, possibly, I care too much. You say no. I say actions speak louder than words. You say I think too much. I do think too much. But I wish you could see.
I want to be the one to say the wait is so worth it. I wish you could see.
I don't want to "build my walls up, concrete castle." Again.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Whoops. I don't intentionally mean to become a submarine blogger - disappearing and reappearing at my own convenience - but, I am also aware that there are only a certain amount of eyes that grace this page, and will take the time to read my mind boggles. Does that give me an excuse to slack? Maybe.
My real excuse is that I've been hoopin' and hollerin' in Texas for the past five days. I was visiting the boyfriend and staying at his house with his roommates, which was quite the adventure. Let's just sum it up with two words - one bathroom. Are you catching what I'm throwing? Thought so. Now that I'm back to Florida, I've realized that I truly dislike it. I live in an itty bitty city, where the fun is limited down to drinking lots of alcohol and taking lots of drugs. Which is why I've grown this consistency to my life, in the pattern of: work, school, church. I'd like to say I'm quite content with it, too.
But, once I got back here from Houston, I was taken back at how boring my life is. The part of the city that I'll be moving to has more to offer than alcohol and drugs! There's the giant mall, the beautiful landscape, and neighborhoods and most of all, they have a yogurt place named Swirll that I've fallen head-over-heels for. Houston and I just have an amazing connection. Plus, I was born in Texas... it might already be in my blood.
Anyway, what I truly am in need of is an eyebrow wax. Oh, and an answer as to WHY guys who see attractive girls on the roads, getting out of cars at convenience stores, or anywhere for that matter, feel the need to hang out of the car they are in and/or hoot and holler. It just doesn't make sense to me. Do these guys truly think the girl will be like "Aw, well shucks." Well, she will if she's narcissistic, but other than that we're taking out our mase.
And if you happen to be the guy hanging out of the car and/or hooting and hollering, make sure you have all of your teeth, and look like you've showered within the last 24 hours. Not even the narcissistic girls will want to "shucks" ya.
That's all for now. I've officially used my break time at work to write about absolutely nothing. Accomplishing, I know.
My real excuse is that I've been hoopin' and hollerin' in Texas for the past five days. I was visiting the boyfriend and staying at his house with his roommates, which was quite the adventure. Let's just sum it up with two words - one bathroom. Are you catching what I'm throwing? Thought so. Now that I'm back to Florida, I've realized that I truly dislike it. I live in an itty bitty city, where the fun is limited down to drinking lots of alcohol and taking lots of drugs. Which is why I've grown this consistency to my life, in the pattern of: work, school, church. I'd like to say I'm quite content with it, too.
But, once I got back here from Houston, I was taken back at how boring my life is. The part of the city that I'll be moving to has more to offer than alcohol and drugs! There's the giant mall, the beautiful landscape, and neighborhoods and most of all, they have a yogurt place named Swirll that I've fallen head-over-heels for. Houston and I just have an amazing connection. Plus, I was born in Texas... it might already be in my blood.
Anyway, what I truly am in need of is an eyebrow wax. Oh, and an answer as to WHY guys who see attractive girls on the roads, getting out of cars at convenience stores, or anywhere for that matter, feel the need to hang out of the car they are in and/or hoot and holler. It just doesn't make sense to me. Do these guys truly think the girl will be like "Aw, well shucks." Well, she will if she's narcissistic, but other than that we're taking out our mase.
And if you happen to be the guy hanging out of the car and/or hooting and hollering, make sure you have all of your teeth, and look like you've showered within the last 24 hours. Not even the narcissistic girls will want to "shucks" ya.
That's all for now. I've officially used my break time at work to write about absolutely nothing. Accomplishing, I know.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Weekend Warrior.
No, I'm not a weekend warrior. I only wish I was. But, I did do somethings over the weekend that excited my little bones.
I went to the beach and I went to a comedy club!
Oh, just look at us! Ashley and I, with Terri's terrorizing skills of managing to get free tickets, went to see Thea Vidale do her comedic stand up, and it was hilarious! Did I mention front row, too? Well, I should and will again.
And the beach was like the whipped cream to my Cheesecake (no?). I haven't been to the beach since I started working an "actual" job, the law firm, and working 9-4, with class following afterwards. So, my days of trying to become the darkest in all of Florida died. I did get to rekindle the flame on Saturday though. That flame just happened to ignite my entire body while laying on Clearwater beach. I got tingly! Maybe, it was my body saying how much it missed the sun? Or how badly I will regret that? All I know is that sun rhymes with fun, and I have a nice tan...
Anyway, I'm in the library at school at the moment. I wanted to blog, and work was insanely busy (I actually had to work) so I'm squeezing this in before my sun-kissed skin and I have to sit in my class with my poodle of a professor. Seriously, she has poodle-like hair. She's sweet, though. But that doesn't change her poodley hair.
I went to the beach and I went to a comedy club!

And the beach was like the whipped cream to my Cheesecake (no?). I haven't been to the beach since I started working an "actual" job, the law firm, and working 9-4, with class following afterwards. So, my days of trying to become the darkest in all of Florida died. I did get to rekindle the flame on Saturday though. That flame just happened to ignite my entire body while laying on Clearwater beach. I got tingly! Maybe, it was my body saying how much it missed the sun? Or how badly I will regret that? All I know is that sun rhymes with fun, and I have a nice tan...
Anyway, I'm in the library at school at the moment. I wanted to blog, and work was insanely busy (I actually had to work) so I'm squeezing this in before my sun-kissed skin and I have to sit in my class with my poodle of a professor. Seriously, she has poodle-like hair. She's sweet, though. But that doesn't change her poodley hair.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Waking up to Exclaimers.

Just hear me out. If you have ever caught Billy Mays violently shouting at you through your television, advising you that this product, and this product alone, is the answer to every problem in your life, then you're well aware of why his voice should be the key ingredient to every alarm clock.
Imagine you're sleeping, and you're having the sweetest dreams of frolicking through meadows... when, all of a sudden, Billy Mays is shouting at you "Wait!!! There's more!!!" It seems so logical, right? Right. I know if I were woken up by this man screaming at me to buy unnecessary items, I would be up faster than you can say "OxiClean".
This idea is still a floater, though. I have many 'floaters' like these, and most of the 'floaters' get lost in the depths of my mind. My mind is an enigma that needs a filter.
All I'm asking is for you to tell me how great of an idea this is.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Boob tube.
In the world of television, there is so much that one can get rapt up in. There's the reality T.V. shows, the cooking shows, the numerous one guy, one girl duo cop shows and many more dreadful shows (see: MTV), but my number one favorite T.V. channel, besides the news, would definitely have to be...
I am totally, undoubtedly in lurve with HGTV. I do not know what it is. Maybe it's the "Color Splash" host and his talent of really designing a room into a mini-palace of vibrant colors and giving the right touch to a once dull room. It could also be the possibility that I become somewhat hypnotized in young and old couples looking to purchase their first house, or just looking to move. I literally get drawn in to the houses with these couples. I start thinking what I would do to the house, and what I would pay. You call it creepy, I call it exciting.
Either way, I'm just really happy I am not watching a show where the 'contestant' hops off of a bus, has a box of things appear by the side of their face, listing what he or she likes to do in their spare time, like eating spaghetti through their nose, and is then told to get back onto the bus by one single word thrown in their direction - "Next". Talk about failing at life on national television.
Really, I just would love to be on HGTV. Either as a person getting their house touched up, or a host, a designer, a camera operator... even doughnut girl. Anything.
I am totally, undoubtedly in lurve with HGTV. I do not know what it is. Maybe it's the "Color Splash" host and his talent of really designing a room into a mini-palace of vibrant colors and giving the right touch to a once dull room. It could also be the possibility that I become somewhat hypnotized in young and old couples looking to purchase their first house, or just looking to move. I literally get drawn in to the houses with these couples. I start thinking what I would do to the house, and what I would pay. You call it creepy, I call it exciting.
Either way, I'm just really happy I am not watching a show where the 'contestant' hops off of a bus, has a box of things appear by the side of their face, listing what he or she likes to do in their spare time, like eating spaghetti through their nose, and is then told to get back onto the bus by one single word thrown in their direction - "Next". Talk about failing at life on national television.
Really, I just would love to be on HGTV. Either as a person getting their house touched up, or a host, a designer, a camera operator... even doughnut girl. Anything.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
"What else can I show you!?"
So, I've been waiting throughout my week for something worth while in the laughter jar. And alas! Last night the laughter jar was filled.
Chelsea and I decided to go watch Pray for Hotness perform at Neptunes (you know, that place where the young, hippie, obviously confused, girls go to find their 'scene' boy soulmate?) where it was only 'LL Steezy' performing by his lonesome. Aaron opted to just be a supporter. Anyway, then it was followed by like a 50 hour dinner at Chili's with Chelsea when Aaron decided that he wanted to hang out with us. I mean, duh, we are quite the entertainment. I will now share my night through the pictures that only captured my moments. Sometimes I wish pictures came with sound... but they don't, so I will rummage my mind for what I think was said to try to share the humor.
This is what happens when Aaron decides to share his closet with us. Sweet tassels.
Why in the world is his mouth open like that?
Oh... you never purchased Hulk Hogan's CD? Classic.
Count how many mullets are in this picture.
"So you know those 25 cent machines at WalMart? You know the Homies one? I collected those... $200 dollars worth..."
This was probably my favorite.
Well, by the end of the night, I knew that I had never met someone with such a random childhood. I was also very impressed with Chelsea's eagle eye - she spotted Osama in more than one country. Oh, and I'm also going to be in Texas on the 15th for nearly a week. Youdonotunderstandmyexcitement. I really just hope my boyfriend feels the same....
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Lend me a smile.
Why must one have so many inconsistencies to their mood?
One = me.
Also, much like when I was in 8th grade, I am still listening to Taking Back Sunday when these inconsistencies occur... and screaming to the lyrics. Oh my emo/pathetic!
One = me.
Also, much like when I was in 8th grade, I am still listening to Taking Back Sunday when these inconsistencies occur... and screaming to the lyrics. Oh my emo/pathetic!
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