These sweet suckers were found in T.J. Maxx. Who wants these things? I'm almost sure that they are multi-functional. 1. Shoes! 2. A hammer! 3. A Defense Weapon! See, point made. You would still be making a terrible fashion mistake though.

Now, this was spotted at a local Bealls. I just want to know three things... why is her hair silver and why is her posture so horrible? And why is she kissing nothing? I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that this was found in Bealls.

Oh... and this is just me. Hi.
Oh yeah! I wanted to share a funny story. My little brother was telling me about how he was wearing tidey whiteys... under his boxers. I asked if he started wearing boxers because of the guys in the locker room and his response was "Well, I saw my friend get depantsed (sp?) one day and I was so so so scared. I knew I couldn't let that happen and be caught with underwear!" Boxers it was. You are now free to depants Daniel.
By the way... if anyone actually reads this, please feel free to comment! I'd love to know how creepy I am.
LOL, not so creepy! But writing about your brother's underwear / boxers might not bring lots of readers! The cell phone tragedy was funny though!