I honestly never thought I would be at home the day my little sister's belongings were sat down at my front door by a man driving a big, brown truck labeled 'UPS'. I never thought I would breakdown crying as she reappeared into my life as a little hospital gown and a little blue bear.
Karli passed away in 1990, and it seems so long ago I would walk in on my mom crying in her bedroom. But as I unfold the little cloth that wrapped her tiny little body, I'm suddenly filled with so much grief, as if we lost her just yesterday. I'm not even sure why my biological father felt compelled to open that door by sending these belongings in a box. If I am not mistaken, he is the one who kept these things from my mom for years; He is the one who took it upon himself to hide her life away in a closet and move on with his life. My mom had never been ready for that. So why now, 20 years later, is he going to open this door that has been closed?
It is then that I am reminded of recent murder of Dr. Tiller. He was shot and killed inside of the church he had devoted his time to. The shooter was dubbed as Scott Roeder, whose obvious pro-life stance had fallen off its rocker. While there is no justification in the murder of Dr. Tiller, there are pictures as to what Dr. Tiller did for a living:
Is there truly any caption needed? His time spent devoted to the church is what those on the left want to remember him as - not what he did for a living. His money was made by mastering the 'skill' of Partial-Birth Abortion. I know I cannot be the judge of what God decided this mans judgement was nor can I judge where his heart was with God; what I do know, is that the Bible states:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" - Jeremiah 1:5
What does that say for a guy who starts killing off Jesus' little creations? Just sayin'...
However, there are the critics of many sorts, towards the Bible and any religion, so my argument may fall short there. Therefore, I'll spark the match of asking why anyone would ever want to do this to a child? There are many columns and many activists regarding partial-birth abortion, but
Greg Gutfeld's 'Gregalogue' today made more sense than any
MSM column or documentary I've ever read. Want to know why? Because it's common-sense. It's not scientific, it's not about when a baby is formed (hence: the
partial-birth part) or any kind of rambling that bores the unaware. It was straight to the point.
But, I am also well aware that this is not a black and white world, and shades of gray are formed in between. I know that there are those women that suffer through horrific pregnancies, where something can go terribly wrong before birth. I know this. But what I also know, while being pro-life, is that even though you may have to do such an act in order to save the mothers life, you're still saving a life; thus, constituting the act as pro-life.
I may have the argument all wrong in some views, but my stance stays the same. My little sister died only a couple weeks into her life, and even that is heart-wrenching. Anyone who would be in support of such an act, outside of saving a mothers life, makes me want to throw up.
And while this story is tragic, so is the story of the Army recruiter who was shot and killed by some domesticated terrorist, but I won't go there. The rest of the mainstream media and the White House are too busy dressing up this Dr. Tiller. Too bad those babies never got a chance to be dressed up. The indifference in this country has a taste that kills.